Stock Management Software
Our Stock management software is a powerful tool that helps businesses manage their inventory efficiently and effectively. This software can help you keep track of your stock levels, monitor your sales, and generate reports to help you make informed decisions about your inventory.
Why Buy Our Ready-made Stock Management Software
With our stock management software, you can easily create purchase orders, track inventory levels across multiple locations, and monitor your stock levels in real-time. You can also set up automatic alerts to notify you when inventory levels are running low, so you can order more stock before it runs out.
Special Features of our Stock Management Software
Our stock management software allows you to track the movement of your inventory, so you can see which items are selling well and which ones are not. This information can help you make informed decisions about what to order in the future and how much of each item to stock.
This Stock Management Software is loaded with countless features. Selected few special features are highlighted below.
- Products
- List Products: Admins can view a list of products along with image, code, name, brand, category, cost, price, quantity, Unit and alert Quantity details.
- Add Products: Admins can add products with details of product type, name, code, slug, secondary name, weight (kg), barcode symbology, brand, category, sub category, product unit, default sale unit, product cost, product price, product tax, tax method, alert quantity, product image, product gallery image, product details, product details for invoice and whether or not it is available in other variants.
- Import Products: Admins can also update products from either excel sheets or pre saved sources by importing them directly.
- Print Barcode/Label: Admins can print the barcodes of desired products by selecting which information you need, such as site name, product name, price, currencies, unit, category, variants, product image, and so on.
- Quantity Adjustments: Admins can make quantity adjustments for all warehouses with date, reference number, warehouse, created by and note.
- Add Adjustments: Admins can add adjustments for their products as they need with details like reference number, warehouse, product code, variant, type, quantity, serial number and so on.
- Stock Counts: Admins can check stock counts details for all warehouses along with dates, reference, warehouse, type, brands and categories. They can also download CSV files of current stock.
- Count Stocks: Admins can add to count stocks with related information such as warehouse, reference and so on.
- Sales
- List sales: Admins can view the list of sales including details such as date, reference number, biller, customer, sales status, grand total, paid, balance and payment status for all warehouses.
- POS Sales: Admins can duplicate sales, view receipts, sales details modal, sale details, view payments, add payment, packing list, add delivery, edit sale, email sale, return sale and delete sale, on the list of POS Sale. They can also view the date, reference number, biller, customer, grand total, paid, balance, sale status and payment status in the list.
- Add Sales: Admins can add sales with details of date, reference number, biller, customer, grand total, paid, balance, sale status and payment status as well as enter order tax, order, discount, shipping, sale status, payment terms, payment status, sale note and staff note for deliveries.
- Add Sales by CSV: Admins can add sales through CSV attachment including details of date, reference number, biller, customer, grand total, paid, balance, sale status and payment status as well as enter order tax, order, discount, shipping, sale status, payment terms, payment status, sale note and staff note for deliveries.
- Deliveries: Admins can view the list of deliveries with details of date, delivery reference number, sale reference number, customer, address and status.
- List Gift Cards: Admins can track and add gift cards issued along with the details of card number, value, balance, created by, customer and expiry date.
- Quotations
- List Quotations: Admins can list quotation for all warehouses with details of date, reference number, biller, customer, supplier, total and status,
- Add Quotations: Admins can add quotations with details of reference number, biller, order tax, discount, shipping, status, supplier, warehouse, customer, product code, net unit price, quantity, discount, product tax and subtotal.
- Purchase
- List Purchase: Admins can view purchase details, view payments, add payment, edit purchase, download as PDF, email, purchase, print barcodes, return purchase and delete purchase in the purchase list. The list also has details about reference number, supplier, purchase status, grand total, paid, balance, and payment status.
- Add Purchase: Admins can add purchase with details of reference number, warehouse, status, supplier, product code, net unit cost, quantity, discount, product tax, subtotal, order tax, discount, shipping and payment term.
- Add Purchase by CSV: Admins can also add purchase by CSV file along with details of reference number, warehouse, status and supplier.
- List Expense: Admins can all list expenses with date, reference, category, amount and created by.
- Add Expense: Admins can add expenses by entering details of reference number, category, warehouse, amount, and necessary attachments.
- Transfers
- List Transfers: Admins can transfer products from different warehouses and track the list with details of date, reference number, warehouse (from), warehouse (to), total, product tax, grand total and status.
- Add Transfers: Admins can add transfers manually, with details of date, reference number, warehouse (from), warehouse (to), total, product tax, grand total and status.
- Add Transfers by CSV: Admins can add transfers by CSV with details of only reference number, to and from warehouse, status and shipping.
- Returns
- List Returns: Admins can track their returns with details included about date, reference number, biller, customer, and grand total.
- Add Returns: Admins can add to the list of returns with details of date, reference number, biller, warehouse, customer, order tax, order discount, shipping, necessary attachments, product code, serial number, net unit price, quantity, discount, product tax and subtotal along with notes of return note and staff note.
- People
- List Users: Admins can list owners of their shops and view their first & last name, email address, company, award points, group and status.
- Add Users: Admins can add new owners with first name, last name, gender, company, phone, email, username, password, status and group.
- List Billers: Admins can edit and delete billers with details of company, name, VAT Number, phone, email address, city and country.
- Add Billers: Admins can add new billers along with logo, company, name, VAT Number, GST Number, email address, phone, address, city, state, postal code, biller custom field 1-6 and invoice footer.
- List Customers: Admins can add and list deposits, list addresses, list users, add users, edit customers and delete customers in the list of customers along with company, name, email address, phone, price group, VAT number, GST Number, deposit, and award points.
- Add Customers: Admins can add new customers along with customer group, company, name, VAT Number, GST number, email address, phone, address, city, state, price group, postal code, country and customer custom field 1-6.
- List Suppliers: Admins can add, edit and delete suppliers along with company, name, email address, phone, city, country, VAT number, and GST number.
- Add Suppliers: Admins can add new suppliers along with details of company, name, VAT number, GST number, email address, phone, address, city, state, postal code, country, and supplier custom field 1-6.
- Notifications
- Admins can edit, view and delete notifications with dates of submissions, from date and till date.
- Calendar
- Admins can view and edit events on calendars.
- Settings
- System Settings: Admins can edit and overview overall site configuration and other systems. Such as products, sales, money and number format, weighing scale barcode, email, award points. You can set site name, language, default currency, accounting method, default email, default customer group, default price group, maintenance mode, product tax, racks, product variant, product expiry, image size, order tax, KSA invoice QRcode, cart item addition method, sales reference prefix, payment reference prefix, money and number formats and a lot more.
- POS Settings: Admins can also manage and edit POS settings such as display product numbers, POS pin code, default category, default biller, default customer, product button colour, tool tips, keyboard shortcuts, after sale page, payment gateways and so on.
- Promos: Admins can set promotional details along with details of name, product to buy, product to get, start date and end date.
- List Printers: Admins can set printers with title, type, profile, path, IP address and post.
- Add Printer: Admins can add printers with the same information.
- Change Logo: Admins can change the logo of their site, login and biller.
- Currencies: Admins can add multiple currencies along with currency code, name, exchange rate and symbol.
- Customer Groups: admins can add and edit new customer groups and apply bulk discounts separately.
- Price Groups: Admins can set price groups for desired products with product code, name, and price.
- Categories: Admins can edit, delete and print barcodes for different categories along with image, category code, category name, slug and parent category.
- Expense Categories: Admins can view and edit expense categories along with category code and name.
- Units: Admins can show and set units by unit codes, unit name, base unit, operator and operation value.
- Brands: Admins can list brands by image, code, name and slug and can also print it as excel and pdf files.
- Variants:
- Tax Rates: Admins can edit and delete tax rates with name, code, tax rate and type.
- Warehouses: Admins can edit and delete warehouse lists with map, code, name, price group, phone, email and address.
- Email Templates: admins can add, edit and update email templates of add user, activation emails, forgot password, sale, quotation, purchase, transfer and payment.
- Group Permissions: Admins can change, edit and delete group permissions by user group ID, group name and group description.
- Site Logs: Admins can track site logs along with all the actions that take place within the system.
- Backups: Admins can keep backups and restoration directly.
- Reports
- Overview Chart: Admins can track all transactions and activities through the overview chart.
- Warehouse Stock Chart: Admins can track warehouse stocks along with stock value, profit estimate and total quantity.
- Best Seller: Admins can view best sellers for all warehouses as per month and year.
- Register Report: Admins can track register reports with open time, close time, user, cash in hand, CC Slips, cheques and total cash.
- Product Quantity Alerts: Admins can set alert quantity to keep a track of product quantities, along with image, product code, product name, and quantity.
- Products Report: Admins can track products report along with product code, name, purchased, sold, profit and/or loss and stock quantity amount.
- Adjustments Report: Admins can track adjustment reports along with date, reference number, warehouse, created by, note and product.
- Categories Report: Admins can track their categories report with details of category code, category name, purchased, sold, purchased amount, sold amount and profit and/or loss.
- Brands Report: Admins can track brand reports along with details of brand, purchased, sold, purchased amount, sold amount and profit and/or loss.
- Daily Sales: Admins can track their daily sales for all warehouses with details of discount, shipping, product tax, order tax and so on.
- Monthly Sales: Admins can track their monthly sales for all warehouses with details of discount, shipping, product tax, order tax and so on.
- Sales Report: Admins can track their sales report along with details of date, reference number, biller, customer, product (quantity), grand total, paid, balance and payment status.
- Payments Report: Admin can track their payments report with details of date, payment reference, sale reference, purchase reference, paid by, amount and type.
- Tax Report: Admins can see the sales tax report along with details such as date, reference number, status, warehouse, biller, product tax, order tax, grand total, sales amount, product tax amount and order tax amount.
- Profit and/or loss: Admins can track their profit and/or loss for purchase, sales and returns.
- Daily Purchase: Admins can get their daily purchase report for all warehouses with discount, shipping, product tax, order tax and total details.
- Monthly Purchase: Admins can get their monthly purchase report for all warehouses with discount, shipping, product tax, order tax and total details.
- Purchases Report: Admins can track their purchase reports with details of date, reference number, warehouse, supplier, product (quantity), grand total, paid, balance and status.
- Expenses Report: Admins can check their expenses report with details such as date, reference, category, amount, note and created by.
- Customer Report: Admins can check the customer’s report along with company, name, phone, email address, total sale, total amount, paid and balance.
- Suppliers Report: Admins can view the suppliers report with details of company, name, phone, email address, total purchase, total amount, paid and balance.
Staff Reports: Admins can view their staff report with first & last name, email, company, group and status.